Sims 3 Pics
Like it's futuristic Kitchen counter-part Future shock living takes your Sims out of their every day life and blasts them into the future. In this set you get 21 items, which considering you get about the amount of items you'd get in a stuff pack and both sets cost about 20 dollars you get your moneys worth. the set gives you basically all you'd expect from a living based set, you get a TV, a couch, a book case, all you would expect. So Future Shock Living gets 5 plum bobs from Sims 3 Pics!

"Equip Your Sims with a collection that's light years ahead of it's time!" So with the Future Shock Kitchen Set you get 15 futuristic kitchen items for your Sim to add to it's home. The Items seem to be in a kind of Tron Legacy style, stainless steel and blue neon. The counter tops look really nice and as you'd expect with high tech stuff like this but if you put your Sims to work at the book store or where ever they may work even the lowest of Sims can buy these awesome Futuristic Items. This Set gets 5 Plumbobs from Sims 3 pics for cool items, and a good amount too!
